
flux-sched v0.36.0

Published: Jul 4, 2024 by flux-framework

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Release Notes

flux-sched version 0.36.0 - 2024-07-04

New Features

  • qmanager: Asynchronously communicate with resource in the scheduling loop to allow job updates while matching (#1227)
  • pruner: don’t track own type for pruning (#1228)
  • Excise filter (#1225)
  • qmanager: restart sched loop on updates (#1236)
  • qpolicy/base: schedulable on reconsider (#1224)
  • dfu: add a quick-to-test feasibility precheck to match (#1232)


  • Fix match average calculation (#1233)


  • github-actions: actually push the flux-sched manifest (#1235)
  • checks_run: work when no is present (#1234)