
flux-sched v0.34.0

Published: May 8, 2024 by flux-framework

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Release Notes

flux-sched version 0.34.0 - 2024-05-08

New Features

  • qmanager: defer jobs with unmatchable constraints (#1188)
  • Add planner reinitialization for elasticity (#1156)
  • Update match stats and implement stats-clear (#1168)
  • Add sanitizers (#1179)
  • reduce unnecessary logging (#1186)
  • Update stats output to include data for failed matches (#1187)
  • Implement rv1exec reader update to facilitate Fluxion reload (#1176)


  • refactor: optmgr to simpler design, one file (#1177)
  • autoconf removal (#1196)
  • queue_base_manager: refactor to remove impl (#1178)


  • cmake: look for ver file in source directory (#1199)
  • docker-run-checks: ensure we match user’s home (#1197)
  • Add sanitizers (#1179)
  • resource: ensure all resources start in DOWN state when some ranks are excluded by configuration (#1183)
  • docs/cmake:stop constantly rebuilding manpages (#1190)
  • qmanager: split remove to separate pending (#1175)


  • up the required C++ standard to 20 (#1174)
  • test: run t10001 under flux (#1181)
  • testsuite: add valgrind suppressions for hwloc (#1173)
  • ci: update deprecated github actions (#1191)