The following is the spec for the Flux Python RESTful API provided here. Generally, API endpoints are versioned (e.g., start with v1) and views do not.


POST /v1/service/stop

Request to stop the server from running. This is intended for applications like the Flux Operator that need programmatic ability to end the flux start command and thus exit the job and bring down the mini-cluster.


GET /v1/jobs

List jobs owned by the flux executor (the current user). By default, this returns a simple listing with “jobs” -> a list of dict with ids.


Optional parameters in the get are:

  • details (bool): provide details as True if you want to get complete metadata for the job

  • listing (bool): provide listing as True if you want to get details in a list

  • limit (int): provide a maximum number of jobs to retrieve (defaults to all if not provided)

A custom search endpoint to query for jobs. It is used internally by the site to render data tables and similar.

Optional parameters:

  • start: a number to start at, must be <= the length of total jobs

  • length: a length to stop at, after the start is applied (if applicable)

  • query: a string to search all attributes for

Returns parameters:

  • data: the list of jobs

  • recordsTotal: the total number of jobs available

  • recordsFiltered: the total after filtering by the query, length, start

  • draw: an integer used by Jquery Datatables

POST /v1/jobs/submit

Submit a new job


Required parameters in the post are:

  • command (string or list): a string of the command to run (required)

  • runtime (int): maximum runtime allowed (defaults to 0, unlimited, optional)

Optional parameters include:

  • workdir (str): a working directory for the job. Defaults to “None” which is unset.

  • envars (dict): A set of key, value pairs (dict) of environment variables to add

  • num_tasks (int): Number of tasks (defaults to 1)

  • cores_per_task (int): Number of cores per task (default to 1)

  • gpus_per_task (int): Number of gpus per task (defaults to None)

  • num_nodes (int): Number of nodes (defaults to None)

  • exclusive (bool): is the job exclusive? (defaults to False)

GET /v1/jobs/{uid}

Get a job with a specific identifier.

POST /v1/jobs/{uid}/cancel

Request for a job cancellation based on identifier.

GET /v1/jobs/{uid}/output

Get lines of job output.


GET /v1/nodes

List cluster nodes.

Last update: Mar 10, 2024