Operator Creation

These sections will walk through some of the steps that @vsoch took to create the controller using the operator-sdk, and challenges she faced.

1. Installation

First, install the operator-sdk for your platform. At the end of this procedure it should be on your path.

$ which operator-sdk

2. Start A Development Cluster

You can use minikube:

$ minikube start

# or for the first time
$ minikube start init

Kind was recommended to me, however it sent me down a rabbit hole of “something isn’t working and I don’t know why” for about a day, and when I realized it was specific to kind, I went back to minikube.

3. Local Workspace

At this point, I made sure I was in this present working directory, and I created a new (v2) module and then “init” the operator:

$ go mod init flux-framework/flux-operator
$ operator-sdk init

Note that you don’t need to do this, obviously, if you are using the existing operator here!

4. Create Controller

Now let’s create a controller, and call it Flux (again, no need to do this if you are using the one here).

$ operator-sdk create api --version=v1alpha1 --kind=MiniCluster

(say yes to create a resource and controller). Make sure to install all dependencies (I think this might not be necessary - I saw it happen when I ran the previous command).

$ go mod tidy
$ go mod vendor

And then I started working on the actual content of the files generated. You can look at the User Guide for using the operator, or other links in the Developer Guides here. For the above steps, I found the following resources really useful:

Last update: Jul 23, 2024